Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Stealing Phoenix" by Joss Sterling

Stealing Phoenix"Stealing Phoenix" is the second book in the series and yet it is really more like a companion novel than a sequel.

There are seven Benedict brothers. The first book "Finding Sky" was about the youngest brother Zed. This book is about the second youngest brother Yves. Yves' story is narrated by seventeen-year-old Phoenix who belongs to a gang of thieves with paranormal powers. I love that Phee is a sassy con artist with attitude. When she is given an american student as her target, no one is more surprised than her to find out that he is so much more than just her mark. He is her destiny, her soulmate. Now she must save him.

Joss Stirling delivers again. There is non-stop action and Yves is a swoon-worthy hot, tough guy with an interesting intellectual nerdy side to him as well.

My only complaint is that Yves and Phoenix never really develop their relationship. They just have that instant ‘soulfinder’ bond. I would have liked to have seen them grow to really care for each other in a more gradual way once they realized the bond. Still I very much like the coupling of these two interesting characters.

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing

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